Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Stepping up...

Well, it's been a while. I thought seriously about deleting this blog altogether because it acted as more of a journal than  place to spread love & joy & the goodness of life. But, upon reflection- i realize that it's all me & though I feel embarrassed if anyone ever read any of it- I can't help but share it because it's authentic- or was at one point & I'm working on vulnerability. 
I had a client come in today- I've seen her a few times before & she's really wonderful but she's exhausted. She's a working single mom of 2 or 3 kids, I can't remember. And, as a single mom of one.. I can only imagine! She just about broke down saying how tired she is of being in survival mode & how she knows that things like coffee are just vices but she feels like she needs something to comfort her & how I had probably never had these problems & she hated complaining & she desperately wants her life to change & she knows she just has to change her perspective & be grateful but it's just.so.hard. 
I almost laughed because so many of the things she was talking about -the way she felt- I so resonated with. And then, when she thought I had probably never had any of these troubles... I almost fell over! It's really interesting, being in the healing profession... I get things like this all the time "how do you always stay so calm & so healthy & balanced." HA!
First of all- it's my job to appear that way! Second, I forget that no one knows who I am. All they know is the few minutes we spend talking before & after their massage, the advice I give & then the massage itself.. but we don't talk during it! And then, when you've done so much work & when you've come so far (you realize you've got so much further to go!) people don't see your struggle, they just see where you are! I feel like so many people are looking for peace & love & acceptance & to feel a part of something & to feel supported & to feel healthy... The surprise is that it comes in the journey. I really don't know that it's a place we arrive- I mean, do we ever feel like we've ever reached that lasting state of bliss? Maybe, eventually?!!!  But, in the meantime, life is full of ups & downs & it's up to us to ride them through & find bliss in the journey, in the process. Everything that isn't as we want it gives us an opportunity to change it. Everything that seems 'bad' in our life gives us the chance to turn it into an opportunity. We are constantly growing & changing & evolving... if we so choose! The important thing is that we remember we are students of life; we are learning... so be patient. 
Happiness is a choice- it's a choice we make everyday; to make the most out of every situation. Gratitude is always key- it will see us through everything; Grace comes from Gratitude. Making choices (which is a whole different blog!), listening to our hearts, sharing our greatness while being real & raw & authentic & vulnerable is part of what makes us great! So, are you living up to your potential? I'm not. But, I'm working toward it every day & I'm trying with all my might. I think that's all we can do! We must remember,however, that we are divine beings so capable & so deserving of love & forgiveness ...that we are here for a human experience! So for my client today: you are not alone. None of us are. Let us focus more on our similarities than our differences!:)