Saturday, January 12, 2013

Super beginner

I have been telling people that I will start offering a yoga class here in town & everyone I’ve talked to says “Oh, I’m a super beginner.” I say, ok then, I will offer a super beginner class!:) It got me thinking of a few things. First of all, I feel so nervous. I feel like a super beginner, offering a super beginner class. I suppose because I feel like a super beginner teacher. I have been practicing yoga for 13 years now & have completed a 200 hr. training. So, one would think that I would feel very comfortable & confident in yoga. Yoga is a self practice though, it’s new every day & I don’t know that you ever get ‘better’ because nothing is good or bad; simply a process.  You are where you are. Even if I feel like my very best self up there guiding you through a practice, I get it. I get how scary it can be do something new. 

I get how scary it can be to walk into your first yoga class ever. The first time I walked into a yoga class was in college. I was scared but I was also 18 years old & I think that youth gives us a little more courage. It seems to me that as we age, we do what we know because it’s familiar & therefore comfortable; it somehow starts to define us. So, when we decide to break out of that mold & try something new or do something new or be something new- we ought to give ourselves credit. What you’re doing is very brave. It doesn’t matter if afterwards you realize how easy it was or if all your friends are already doing it or if 5 year olds are doing it… if you break out of your comfort zone to try something new- that’s brave; give yourself credit for being brave.  It’s important to be brave & to try new things- that in & of itself is healthy for us. Yoga is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever done (other than birth & mother my daughter- still I thank yoga for helping me!) & I have no doubt you will know its wonder as well. Your mind, body, & spirit will thank you. Every single day is filled with new beauty, change, a possibility to do something new- embrace it! You are alive!:) And if a new day should find you in one of my classes, or in any class, know that we- your teacher & classmates- are every grateful for your presence, for your bravery, & for your existence.


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