Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Attention and energy

It's said that energy flows where attention goes... or something like that!;)
I've given a lot of thought to the last post. I have grown up and I have created a life and a home and a community... it's such a blessing -but it's a huge community and it's spread out all over the world!
bottom line: it's truly about the journey, change is constant, choose love- always choose love, and live for the moment but plan for the future... at least a little bit. Oh, and perhaps most important: practice self-discipline and self care. We've got to know how to take care of ourselves and we've got to do what we need (not just want) to get ourselves to where we want to be.
So now, for attention and energy- it's funny how quickly it shifts. As soon as you decide to make a big change, everything about where you're at starts to look perfect! And then you put in your 2 weeks notice & your boss begs you to stay & tells you to go home & sleep on it...again! I think it's fascinating though how we can keep on in a certain way until it no longer works & we feel we have to chuck it all & start over ...but all we really need to do is change direction, change perspective! It doesn't always have to be so drastic! It's all about a change in perspective. So, if there's something in your life you're not happy with- imagine your life without it, or imagine what could take it's place ...just shift your attention for a few days- you might be surprised to see what you find!

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