Friday, September 16, 2011

Ego- maniac!

Well, we humans are funny! I was re-reading some posts as I ponder life tonight! I'm stewing about in a pile of past hurts & confusion & where do I go from here ... you get the idea! So as I re-read things that I wrote when I was really upset (those things should never be written down!) I nearly burst into laughter! It hit me how very childish I can be! I still love to take hits at other people- saying something mean to them or about them, something that will hurt their feelings because they hurt mine! First of all, the planes! Who's to say that any are above or below, that anyone is further along or just starting out?! Who's to say that anyone is better or worse, smarter or... not nearly as smart?! And imbecile.. I just like that word- the dude (though i can think of many other terrible words that might fit when I'm mad) isn't even all that stupid! And the moron... not a moron! I was just feeling hurt so it made me feel better to hurt someone else s feelings (especially since I can write it here instead of saying it to their faces b/c I know they'll never see it!)
I work so hard to be good and honest and fair and to communicate effectively and to live my life through my highest self and to not let my ego get the best of me. Sometimes, however, (and though it doesn't feel good in the long run but I still believe I'm entitled because I'm human!) I just love to let it all go- say what I feel, get caught up in a moment of rage, and say really crazy things- or act out in childish ways.
It's been a good lesson and maybe just an awareness... but next time someone makes you mad or hurts your feelings -I invite you to take a step back, take a deep breath, detach from it, and before you respond with something mean just to make you feel better... find your truth. Then check in with yourself to see what's really going on and how you're really feeling. Perhaps you'll have some choice words for that person still- but they'll be coming from a place of honesty instead of reaction and it's just one of those little things that will help us all start to communicate and build our relationships back up and help us to love one another and make the world a better place!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl... I feel yah here. I do that too. I often make up stories in my head about what "they'll probably do..." Nice Diana. Set your loved ones up for failure. It is a human thing. All is temporary. I love and admire your honesty.
