Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This too shall pass.

The good, the bad, the ugly. They're all just moments & these moments all pass. When I'm going through tough times I particularly try to remember this. But it's the good times too. I feel like more in this last year, I've had to breathe and remind myself that this too shall pass. It's only a moment- only a lesson. Breathe, learn, let go. This moment is your life. And lately, all things seem so tragic. My heart feels so broken and my spirit feels exhausted. And I feel like I don't have much support. I think though, at the end of the day- it's my perspective. And then, I get caught up in the cycle. We are here on a journey and it's not up to anyone else to fix us or save us and we have the strength and answers within us... moment by moment- if we breathe and have faith... this moment too- shall pass. So in the darkest of days- breathe, have faith, embrace it as best you can because there's a lesson in this too & this moment shall pass & eventually you will know great light...which too, will pass. So, if they're all just a bunch of moments- I suppose we embrace them all & learn to love them & let them go. There's no need to hold onto any of them.
I sit here tonight in a rut. I'm so blessed and have had so many good moments and I don't know why the bad ones win out over the good in general- but they tend to do that & then I tend to get stuck on those. It's a real bummer! So, I try to change my perspective- my focus. I focus on gratitude best I can & I breathe & I repeat to myself... "this too shall pass." And- "this moment is your life."

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